Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Weigh-in Wednesday: 1-21-15

This morning, I weighed in at 119.8 pounds.  I’m about two pounds above my goal weight, but I’m happy to say that I’m moving in the right direction again.  Last week I weighed 121.2.

This week included a trip to the Bahamas.  I’m less apt to watch what I eat when I’m on an international trip.  Enjoying the food is part of the travel experience.  I had three fairly large meals while I was there.

In addition to allowing myself to enjoy a large dinner, I also give myself permission to eat food I wouldn’t eat at home.  At home, I’ve mostly switched to a vegan diet.  On a trip, I’ll usually eat pizza at least once, even though it’s loaded with cheese.  On this trip, I had a pizza that included bacon.  I had to try it, because this pizza also had slices of pumpkin.  I was at a restaurant that uses innovative combinations of ingredients.  I also had seafood with two my other meals.  After all, I was in the islands.

Where I made progress this week was on snacking.  It probably helped that my flight home on Sunday didn’t arrive until after 9:00 PM.  By the time I got home from the airport, it was late enough that I wasn’t tempted to snack.  I realized last week that I’m most prone to binge snacking on the day I come home from a trip.

This week, I’m going to try to improve my snacking habits by having some healthy snack foods in the house.  Yesterday, we went grocery shopping, so I picked up some seedless grades.  Grapes are sweet enough to satisfy my cravings for sweet foods, but they don’t have many calories.  Twenty grapes is a filling snack with only 30 calories.

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