Since I started this blog, I’ve always posted a list of goals at the beginning of the year. This year, I’m not doing that.
I almost always
set goals for individual races, but I’ve also been chasing longer term
goal. Over the years, those goals have included
things like marathons in every state, the World Marathon Majors, marathons on
every continent, or reaching certain lifetime milestones like 500 marathons or
100 Minnesota marathons.
At this point in
my life, I’ve pretty much done all those things. I’ll keep running marathons, but I no longer
have a number I’m trying to hit. Instead
of having a list of goals for the year, I’m going to have something more like a
mission statement.
So here’s my
mission: To explore strange to worlds;
to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone
Wait, that’s Star
Trek’s mission. Actually, my mission is
similar. It has three parts.
First, I’m going
to run marathons in places I’ve never been to before, whether they’re new countries,
new cities, or new places in the great outdoors.
Second, I’m to do
some races I’ve never done before. I’m
particularly interested in doing a few races that offer unique race
Finally, I want to
challenge myself in new ways.
I won’t have to
wait long for my first new challenge.
Tomorrow, I’ll be starting a 48-hour race. I’ve made two previous attempts at 48-hour
races, but both of these attempts ended early.
I still don’t know what it’s like to be on my feet for 48 hours or to go
for two nights without sleep during a race.
Hopefully, I’ll find out soon.
Nice Goals David. You are a remarkable runner because of the volume of events you’ve completed while maintaining respectable speed as you age. Like you, come Jan. 1 every year, I used to have about 20 or more events planned to run in the coming year. Not this year. For the first time in 38 years, the new year starts without me being entered in any events. I hope that changes in the coming months, but I’m not sure that it will. These days it’s as likely that I can’t make cutoff times as it is likely that I will. I can keep taking that gamble, or I can finally give it up. I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. I’ll continue to follow your amazing career. Happy New Year and Happy Trails, Mark Stodghilll