Monday, May 20, 2024

Race Report: 2024 Riga Marathon

On May 19, I ran the Riga Marathon.  This is another race that I was scheduled to run in 2020.  It was one of the many races that got cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Riga is the capital of Latvia.  Prior to World War I, Latvia was part of Russia.  It gained its independence after World War I, but was invaded by Russia in 1940, Germany in 1941, and Russia again by the end of World War II.

After World War II, Latvia was part of the Soviet Union.  It regained its independence in 1991 after the breakup of the Soviet Union.

I generally schedule flights with a certain degree of pessimism.  That’s especially true of international trips.  When I booked my flights, I gave myself two and a half hours for my connection in Amsterdam.

After I booked my flights, Delta changed their flight schedule.  The change in flight times shortened my connection time to an hour and 55 minutes.  That still seemed safe.  Later, there was another schedule change.  That shortened my connection time to an hour and 15 minutes.  That’s enough time for a domestic connection, but it’s rather tenuous when you have to get across a large airport like AMS and also go through the international arrival process.

I wasn’t comfortable with the shorter connection, but there weren’t any good alternatives.  I had to hope that my flight in Minneapolis would arrive on time and I could get through the airport quickly.

Tuesday, May 14

I left Minneapolis on Tuesday in the late afternoon.  Everyone was on board, and it looked like we would pull away from the gate about five minutes early.  Then one of the flight attendants told the pilot there was a medical emergency.  One of the passengers was having an allergic reaction.

We had to wait for paramedics to come on board.  The good news is that the passenger was OK.  The bad news is our departure was delayed almost 30 minutes.

Wednesday, May 15

We made up some time in the air, but we still arrived in Amsterdam about 15 minutes late.  That gave me only about an hour to get all the way across the airport and through passport control.  Making matters worse, we were coming in at the farthest gate from where I needed to go.

I couldn’t run with my bags, but I can walk pretty fast.  I was making good progress until I reached passport control.  Then I encountered a line that would’ve taken at least an hour.  They had a fast lane for people with tight connections, but I couldn’t get in that line until 25 minutes before my scheduled flight time.  After 15 minutes in the arrival hall, I finally made it through.  After that, I still had to walk a fair distance to get to my gate.

When I got to my gate, boarding was in progress.  I was one of the last people on the plane, but I made my connection.  The most stressful part of the trip was over.

I arrived in Riga in the early afternoon and took a taxi to my hotel.  I quickly learned that traffic going into the city is slow, and the drivers are aggressive.

My hotel was in the Old Town, just a few blocks from the Daugava River.  After checking in, I went for a run.  To get to the river, I had to cross a couple of busy streets.  That’s when I learned something else about Latvian drivers.  They’re extremely diligent about stopping when a pedestrian approaches a crosswalk.

I ran across the Akmens Bridge, ran along the west bank of the river, and then came back and ran along the east bank.  From the bridge, I got a good view of the river.  From the west bank, I got a good view of the Old Town.  On the left, you can see Riga Castle.

I booked walking tours for the next three days, so I was content to wait until Thursday to begin my sightseeing.  There was one place, however, that I decided to visit first, since it was right around the block from my hotel.

The House of the Blackheads was the guild house of a merchants’ guild called the Brotherhood of Blackheads.  The guild members were single young men, and they were known for throwing parties.  For their Christmas party in 1510, they put up a tall pine tree and decorated it with flowers.  Putting up a Christmas tree became an annual tradition which quickly spread to the rest of Europe.  There’s a marker where that first Christmas tree stood.

The House of the Blackheads was destroyed during World War II, but it was later reconstructed from the original plans.  Today, it’s a museum.

When I travel to new places, I like to try the local pizza.  I also seek out local beers.  There’s a brewery in the Old Town that serves food, and their menu includes pizza.  Naturally I went there for my first dinner in Latvia.  After dinner, I wandered around a bit to get acquainted with the streets around my hotel.

When I’m adjusting to a new time zone, I usually stay awake until it gets dark.  Riga is too far north for that.  At this time of year, it stays light long into the evening.  I held out as long as I could, but I conked out around 9:00.  By then, I had been awake for more than 30 hours.

Thursday, May 16

I had breakfast at the hotel and did a workout in their fitness room.  Then I walked over to St. Peter’s Church to meet the tour guide for my first of three free walking tours.  I’ve done tours like this in several other cities.  It doesn’t cost anything to sign up.  After the tour, you tip the tour guide whatever amount you feel is appropriate.

This was a tour of the Old Town.  Our guide gave us an overview of Riga’s history, so this tour gave me a good orientation for the rest of my sightseeing in Riga.  Some of the sights I saw on this tour were the Riga Cathedral, the Three Brothers, the Swedish Gate, the Powder Tower, and the Cat House.

[pictures from walking tour (5)]

Walking through Riga, I couldn’t help but notice the strong show of support for Ukraine.  Nearly every building with a Latvian flag was also flying the Ukrainian flag.  I also saw several flower arrangements with the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

There’s no shortage of bars and restaurant in the old town.  I had a leisurely lunch at a restaurant near my hotel that had a large outdoor seating area.

I had three and a half days before the race, so I was able to split up my time between running and sightseeing.  In the afternoon, I went for another run along the river.  This time I stayed on one side of the river, but I ran along a section of the river that was farther south.

When I was ready to venture out again, I went down a street I had not previously explored.  Before long, I reached the edge of the Old Town and entered Bastejkalna park, which has a canal flowing through it.

As I came back into the Old Town, I started looking at restaurant menus until I figured out where I wanted to have dinner.  I ate dinner later than usual, now that I realized how late the sun sets.

Friday, May 17

I ate a larger than usual breakfast, knowing I probably wouldn’t have time for lunch.  After breakfast, I went to the marathon expo.  The expo was held at the Rimi Olympic Center, which was two miles away from my hotel.  I could’ve taken a bus or tram part of the way, but none of them went directly there, so I still would’ve needed to walk about halfway there.  Instead, I decided just to walk the whole way.  I was getting in lots of walking.

I couldn’t spend too much time at the expo, because I needed to get back in time for my next walking tour, which started at noon.  I dropped off my race packet at the hotel, and then I went back to St. Peter’s Church, which was also the meeting place for this tour.

This tour was called Alternative Riga.  We left the Old Town to visit areas that aren’t typically visited by tourists.  Our first stop was a large market, where local residents were buying food for the weekend.

This building is the Academy of Science.  It’s an example of a Soviet-era large office building.

This church is the tallest wooden building in the Baltics.  It was burned down in 1812, when all of the wooden buildings were set on fire to deter Napoleon’s army from invading Riga.

This is the remains of what used to be Riga’s largest synagogue.  It was destroyed during the Nazi occupation.

Our tour finished at the Freedom Monument.

After my tour, I went for another afternoon run.  This time I devised a route that followed a canal through three city parks.

After skipping lunch, I was ready for a big dinner.  On my way back to the hotel, I picked up gelato for dessert.

Saturday, May 18

The hotel’s breakfast service starts later on weekends, so I slept in a bit.  After breakfast, I did a workout and then I went to St. Peter’s Church to get the views from the steeple.  This is the tallest building in Riga.

At noon, I went on my third walking tour.  The meeting place for this tour was the Opera House, which is just outside the Old Town.  This tour took us through central Riga, with emphasis on Art Nouveau architecture.  The Art Nouveau style was only popular for about 20 years, but it happened to coincide with the period when Riga was expanding and lots of buildings were being built in what’s now the city center.  There are roughly 800 Art Nouveau buildings in Riga.  Here’s a small sample of the ones I saw on my tour.

Saturday was the only day I didn’t go for a run.  I had already spent a lot of time on my feet, so I spent the rest of the afternoon resting at the hotel until it was time to go out for dinner.

Sunday, May 19

Sunday was race day.  The race started at 8:00 AM, so I didn’t have to get up unusually early.  The start corrals were in a plaza near the Akmens Bridge.  I only had to walk about two blocks to get to the entrance to the start corrals.

They had four corrals, with the first one being reserved for elite runners and other fast runners who submitted qualifying times.  I lined up at the back of the second corral.

Two weeks ago, I had my fastest marathon so far this year at the Belfast City Marathon.  This race has a flatter course than that one.  The only hills are bridges, and none of them rise more than 10 meters.  I run well on flat courses, so my goal was to improve on my time from Belfast

My biggest challenge was the weather.  Sunday was the warmest day of my trip.  It was 60 degrees at the start of the race, and I expected it to get up to 70 by the time I finished.  It was also sunny.

I didn’t line up with a pace group, so I was on my own to start at the right pace.  We started by crossing the Akmens Bridge.  The first half of the bridge was slightly uphill, which made it hard to gauge my pace.  It didn’t seem like I was going that fast, yet the pace felt tiring.  As I reached the downhill side of the bridge, I was able to speed up, yet I didn’t have to work as hard.  After crossing the bridge, we were on the south side of the river for the next seven kilometers.

When I finished the first mile, I saw that I started a little faster than I planned.  My original plan was to aim for a pace of 8:30 per mile in the first half and then try to speed up in the second half.  Instead, I ran my first mile in 8:15.  That was faster than I planned to start, but it wasn’t completely unreasonable.  I thought I might be capable of an 8:20 pace if I tried for even pacing.

In the first mile, I had been working to get around the slower runners.  In the second mile, I settled into a consistent rhythm and just kept up with the runners around me.  The result was that I ran the second mile at about the same pace.

Before long, I reached the first of 18 “sprinkler” stations.  These were places where volunteers were stationed with hoses that had sprinkler heads on them.  They sprayed down any runner who was close to them.  This seemed like something I might need later in the race, but I avoided them early in the race.  I didn’t want to risk getting my shoes wet.

I was surprised to learn that they had twice as many sprinkler stations as water stops.  This isn’t just something they put in place at the last minute because it was hot.  I had seen these on a course map that was published earlier.

Just past the 4K sign, we turned a corner, and I saw the first water stop.  When I got to the first table, all the cups were gone.  There were too many runners rushing toward the second table for me to get there.  I saw some cups on the third table, so I made sure I got  one.  There were actually lots of other tables, but I didn’t know that yet.

Aid stations were about four kilometers apart.  That was adequate, but on a warm day I couldn’t afford to skip any of them.  As it turns out, there were also tables with an energy drink.  When I got to them, I had already finished drinking a cup of water.

When I reached the end of the third mile, I saw that I had slowed to 8:37 in that mile.  That was quite a bit slower than my first two miles.  I didn’t know if I relaxed too much, or if it was due entirely to slowing down at the aid station.

Early in the next mile, a pace group caught up to me.  It was the 3:45 group.  They had lined up in the corral behind me, so they shouldn’t be catching up to me unless they were going much faster than I was.  My average pace so far was faster than their target pace, so I was really surprised to see them.

I was worried that it would be all too easy to settle into their pace and run with the group.  I was hoping for something faster, so I made a point of picking up my pace and getting ahead of them.  I never saw them again.

The next time I saw a sprinkler station, I moved toward the middle of the street, so I wouldn’t get sprayed.  Other runners were moving toward the sprinklers, so it was hard to avoid a collision.  I got so distracted that I failed to notice my time for the fourth mile.

Just past 7K, I reached another fluid station.  I grabbed a cup of water from a table on my right and then quickly moved to my left to avoid other runners.  A short time later I saw the tables with the energy drink.  I was already too far to the left to get to those tables.  I made a mental note to be more patient next time.

The aid stations all had the same layout.  First there was a table with the bottles for the elite athletes.  Then they had several water tables.  Then they had a few tables with the energy drink.  Then there were more water tables.  I could afford to be patient.  There were plenty of tables.

A few minutes later, I saw a bridge ahead of me.  I recognized it as the Vanšu Bridge.  This was the most noticeable hill on the course, although it wasn’t that big of a deal.  We would cross it a total of three times.

From the middle of the bridge, we had a great view of Riga Castle.  I didn’t have my phone with me, or I would’ve been tempted to stop and take a picture.

On the downhill side of the bridge, I picked up speed.  As I got off the bridge, I got my split for mile five.  I don’t know what my pace was in mile four, but I ran mile five in 8:14.

After crossing the bridge, our route took us halfway around the Old Town, but not through it.  I was relieved that we didn’t actually have to run through the Old Town.  I love the Old Town, but the streets are all cobblestone.  It’s awkward to walk on those streets.  Running them would be scary.

We ran along the east and north sides of the Old Town.  Then we turned left to begin a large loop through the more modern area that’s now considered to be the city center.  First, we ran through a couple of parks.  Then, as we entered the city center, I started to pay attention to the buildings we were passing.

At first, I spotted several buildings that had the characteristics of Art Nouveau architecture.  Then, in the next block, I saw a boxy building that was all gray, with no embellishment of any kind.  This was a building from the Soviet era, when buildings were designed for utility, not aesthetics.  They went out of their way to make every building look plain.

For the time being, the sun was still at a low enough angle that the buildings provided shade.  That would change in a few more miles.

For the next several miles, my pace ranged from 8:11 to 8:24.  I was setting an ambitious pace, but it felt like it just might be sustainable.  I wanted to challenge myself.

I knew I was coming to another aid station when I saw a sign that read, “Elite.”  Soon, I saw a sign that read, “Water.”  That was followed by several water tables.  In the distance, I saw a sign that read, “Energy.”  I waited for those tables.

The first cup I grabbed was less than half full.  After drinking it, I grabbed another cup.  There were only nine fluid stations on the course, so I needed to make sure I drank enough at each one.

By the time I had run 10 miles, the sun was high enough in the sky that the buildings no longer provided shade.  For the rest of the race, it was going to feel hotter.

As we were working our way back toward the Old Town, I saw a building that looked familiar.  It was mostly glass, with a style that looked modern.  As I got closer, I saw an old wooden house that was painted blue.  Then I knew for sure.  We were about to cross a street that had been part of my walking tour on Saturday.

The street we were crossing didn’t have any Art Nouveau buildings, but our tour guide took us there because nearly every building on the street was from a different architectural period.  At one end of the street, there was a Neo-Gothic church.  Then the more modern steel and glass building.  Then the wooden house.

Farther down the block, there was a Neo-Classical building and an Art Deco building from the 1930s.  Beyond them, there was a Soviet era utilitarian office building.  Finally, in the distance, was the much taller and fancier Radison Blu.  It was originally a different hotel that was built during the Soviet period.  That hotel was where foreign visitors were housed, so it was designed to make a good impression.

As we got closer to the Old Town, I saw the Freedom Tower in the distance.  Then I knew exactly where I was.  Soon, we would retrace our route around the Old Town and finish the northern loop.

As we reached the northeast corner of the Old Town, runners doing the half marathon turned right to begin the final section before the finish.  Those of us running the marathon turned left and headed back toward the Vanšu Bridge.

As I started up the bridge, I had to put more effort into keeping up with the runners in front of me.  I didn’t want to slow down on the bridge.  Coming down the other side, it got much easier.

We were now south of the river again, but our route wasn’t the exactly the same as before.  About half of the southern loop would be the same, but we wouldn’t repeat the first few kilometers of the race.  Instead, we took a ramp just past the bridge and started a short loop through a neighborhood we had not seen before.

It was during this loop that we reached the halfway mark.  I was on pace to finish in 3:39, but it was getting hotter.  Normally, at the halfway mark, I would set a goal of running negative splits.  There’s no way I was going to try to run faster in the second half when it was only going to get hotter.  I was hoping I could hang on to break 3:40.  That was my only goal at this point.

In mile 14, I slowed to 8:26.  I suddenly realized that there weren’t as many runners around me now.  There were no more half marathon runners.  Now it was only the marathon runners.  I could see a group of runners ahead of me, but there was nobody right next to me.  Without being able to “follow the pack,” I was on my own to set a consistent pace.  In that last mile, I didn’t do a good enough job.

In the next mile, I worked hard at pick up my pace.  I gradually caught up to the runners ahead of me.  Then I started to pass them.  I overcompensated.  I ran mile 15 in 8:05.  That was my fastest mile of the race.

At 25K, I realized we were now repeating the same streets as before.  For the next 15K, everything would be familiar.

I turned a corner and saw the same aid station I had previously seen just past 4K.  Now that I was in the second half of the race, I planned on drinking two cups at every aid station.  When I got to the “energy” tables, I grabbed two cups at once and slowed to a walk for a few seconds to drink them both.  Then I hurried to get back to my previous pace.

Just past 27K, I saw a familiar sprinkler station.  I decided to avoid this one again, because we still had to cross the Vanšu Bridge one more time.

I avoided the sprinklers, because I still didn’t want to get my shoes wet.  When my shoes get wet, I sometimes have problems with my insoles.  I’m most prone to insole problems when I’m running down a hill.  I wanted to put the bridge behind me first.  After that, the rest of the course would be fairly flat.

There was an aid station just before the bridge.  I didn’t want to slow down long enough to drink two cups right before starting up the bridge.  Instead, I grabbed one cup that was reasonable full.  That, unfortunately, still forced me to slow to a walk while I drank it.

It wasn’t easy to get back up to speed while running up the bridge.  I expected that mile to be slow.  The end of the 18th mile was right in the middle of the bridge.  I ran that one in 8:17, which was right in line with most of my miles.  That was a pleasant surprise.

I ran by the Old Town again and headed out to do the northern loop for the second time.  When I reached a sprinkler station, I moved as close as I could.  I got sprayed right in the chest, getting my shirt wet.  Then I started to feel a cool breeze.  In general, there wasn’t much wind, but when you’re wet, even a slight breeze can cool you off.

I was running down the same street where I was previously noticing the architecture.  Now, I was too focused on my pace and effort.  Most of the other runners were slowing down.  To keep up my pace, I needed to follow the few runners who weren’t slowing down. 

There were two runners in particular that I was always chasing, but I couldn’t catch up with them.  I did my best to keep from falling any farther behind.

I reached another sprinkler station.  I ran past two volunteers with hoses.  The first one sprayed me across the chest.  The second one got my face.  I had to quickly wipe my eyes and forehead to make sure salt from my sweat wouldn’t get rinsed into my eyes.

The next time we turned a corner, I knew we were at the farthest point on the loop.  Soon, we would start working our way back toward the Old Town.

One of the guys I was chasing stopped briefly at an aid station to pour a cup of water over his head.  That allowed me to catch up to him.  As I left the aid station, I was right behind him.  He was wearing a light blue shirt that read, “Riga Ironman Team.”

I had slowed to 8:32 in mile 21, but now I challenged myself to keep up with the Ironman guy in the next mile.  In mile 22, I sped up to 8:15.

By now, I was finding that even though I was drinking two cups at each aid station, I felt thirsty again long before the next one.  I also found that the sprinkler stations helped briefly, but it didn’t take long before I felt hot again.

The next sprinkler station was at a turn, and it was on the wrong side of the street.  I wanted to run the tangents, but I had to go wide to get close to the sprinklers.  Both volunteers there were aiming the spray high.  I wanted to get sprayed across my chest, but it only hit my face.  I closed my eyes as I got sprayed, so I didn’t notice that I was about to step in a puddle.  That happened more than once.

I couldn’t keep up with Ironman guy.  I started to fall behind him.  I slowed to 8:26 in mile 23.

Although my pacing was erratic, it seemed like my average pace in the second half was about the same as it was in the first half.  I was struggling with the heat, but I still liked my chances of breaking 3:40.  With just a few miles to go, I could afford to slow down a little, but not too much.

Before I knew it, I was a full block behind Ironman guy.  I completely lost contact with him.

At roughly 38K, we went by a starting line.  I had seen this in the first half of the race, but I didn’t understand what it was until now.  It was the starting line for a one mile race that was held on Saturday.  I knew that race finished at the Freedom Monument, so that meant I was one mile from the monument.  That gave me a better feel for what was left.

After two more turns, I could see the monument.  Before I got there, I finished mile 24.  I slowed down to 8:59 in that mile.  That was by far my slowest mile of the race.  I could afford to slow down a little, but not that much.  If I couldn’t bring my pace back down, I wouldn’t break 3:40.

At this point, I had to wonder.  Was I trying to run a pace that wasn’t sustainable, or was I only slowing down because it was such a hot day?  I’d like to think I could’ve held the pace on a cooler day.

When I reached the 39K sign, I realized that I had 3,200 meters to go.  That’s roughly two miles.  I looked at my watch.  To break 3:40, I needed to average 8:25 in the last two miles.

I did my best to pick up my pace, but I wasn’t optimistic.  I could tell I was speeding up, but I didn’t think it would be enough.

We got back to the corner where we previously turned left to run toward the bridge.  This time we turned right.  We had to go north and east of the Old Town before eventually coming back alongside the river.

I saw the 40K sign.  Then my watch gave me my time for mile 25.  I sped up to 8:15 in that mile.  I was shocked.  If I could do one more mile like that, I would break 3:40.

From here on, it got tougher and tougher.  I was barely hanging on.  These streets weren’t familiar, which made this part of the course seem to go on forever.

Finally, we turned onto 11 November Embankment, which is the road alongside the river.  All three of my training runs included the segment between here and the finish line.  Before, I was always running on the sidewalk.  Now I was running in the street.  That was the only difference.

Ahead of me, I could see the bridge.  Three times, we crossed it.  Now we were going to run under it.

About the same time I reached the bridge, I got my time for mile 26.  I slowed to 8:34.  I knew it was going to be close.  I really wanted to break 3:40, so I fought for every second, even though I was running out of gas.

There was a gradual bend in the road, so it wasn’t until after crossing under the bridge that I finally saw the finish line.  I poured it on and finished in 3:39:44.  I ran a little bit slower in the second half, but I kept my time under 3:40.

The finisher medals had abstract designs.  They were different for each distance.  For example, the half marathon medals only had half as many curves, so only half of the circle was filled in.  You could tell at a glance what distance someone ran by how much of their medal was filled in.

Immediately after finishing, I was handed a water bottle and a granola bar.  Then I picked up a banana from one of the tables.  There was more food farther ahead, but first I needed to make a bathroom stop.  I followed signs leading to an area with port-potties and urinals that were behind a barrier.

After relieving myself, I went back into the finish area to find the food tent.  They had sandwiches, soup, cookies, beer, and kvass.  Kvass is a fermented beverage made from rye bread.  It’s basically a sweet non-alcoholic beer.  In Riga, you can buy it in convenience stores.

Before leaving the finish area, I noticed backdrops for people to take selfies.  I’m not into selfies, but their setup included a digital display that showed the runner’s name and their time.  You just scan your race bib before posing for the picture.

I wasn’t interested in a photo, but I was interested in finding out my official time, so I got in line.  When it was my turn, I scanned by bib, saw my time, and left.

Besides the marathon and half-marathon, there was also a 10K and a 5K.  Those races had later start times.  As I was walking back to the hotel, people were lined up to start the 10K race.  I needed to cross the course to get back to my hotel, so I was fortunate to get there before they started.

I didn’t eat much food in the finish area, so I was still hungry.  I drank enough water to rehydrate and then took a nice long shower.  When I was ready to go out again, I had a late lunch at a Mediterranean restaurant that was just down the street.  On my way there, I saw lots of other runners.  The 10K runners were on their way back from the race.  The 5K runners were on their way to the start.

After my late lunch, I wasn’t hungry for a full dinner.  I had an appetizer and some gelato.  I wanted to get to bed early, but I wasn’t able to get to sleep any earlier than I did the other nights.

Monday, May 20

Monday was the only day that I had to get up early.  I needed to leave early to get to the airport for my flight to Amsterdam.  I only got about five hours of sleep.  That’s not how you want to start the day when you have an extra long travel day.

Coming home, I had a long layover in Amsterdam, so I could take my time getting though the airport.  It was a long travel day, but there wasn’t any drama.

Race statistics:
Distance:  42.2 kilometers
Time:  3:39:44
Average Pace:  5:12 per kilometer (8:23 per mile)
First Half:  1:49:28
Second Half:  1:50:16
Lifetime Marathons/Ultras:  513
Boston Qualifiers:  166
Countries:  49

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